Thursday, August 11, 2011

Can a person of color get a fair day in court?

Or is this a pipe dream? Let's just say a white woman wronged a person of black and Japanese descent, then had the nerve to call the law on them after she came on the ethnic persons property, cursed out the ethnic individual, calling her a "stupid nappy headed *****" and saying "F-you" to her and her child on their own property, and when the ethnic individual told said white woman to get her fat behind the F off her property, the white woman refuses to leave, continues to spout obscenities, and calls the law and files charges after she instigated the confrontation. No one was fighting, although the white woman did say, "bring it on, b---h". There were just words exchanged, nothing more...all this over the white woman being upset over a car alarm going off ( for all of 4 minutes) that the ethnic family was oblivious about inside their home. All she had to do was inform the adults of the home that the alarm was sounding, and it would have been taken care of with no drama. Now a case is pending for municipal court in a racist town. What would be best for the person of color to do?

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