Thursday, August 18, 2011

Can't log in and play Runescape!?

When I click on "Play Now" on the Runescape homepage it says "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage. This is on May 27th 2011, is there some sort of update going on that's not letting me in? I can log into the Runescape forums it's just it won't let me in the game. Yes I've checked my SSL and TLS protocols are enabled; my firewall also isn't blocking Runescape. I have also downloaded the runescape client to see if that will let me in but it just says ," There was an error loading the game configuration from the website". I also added '' to my list of trusted websites in 'Internet Options' on my computer just to be safe, but that hasn't helped either. And I don't need any wise-guys giving answers like "Here's your problem: Your playing Runescape, saddo!" so those answers will be ignored, thank you.

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